Urologist Dr Adam Landau, based in Melbourne

MBBS (Hons), FRACS, B. Physio, DDU Dr Adam Landau is a Urological Surgeon who is experienced in robotic surgery, open and laparoscopic surgery. He has expertise in the management of male voiding, kidney stones, prostate cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, and the investigation of haematuria. Adam initially trained as a Physiotherapist, working at Carlton football … Read more

Urologist Dr Uri Hanegbi, based in Melbourne

MBBS(Hons) FRACS Dr Uri Hanegbi is an experienced Urological Surgeon with a particular interest in the management of Prostate Cancer, benign prostate enlargement and kidney stones.  The full spectrum of prostate cancer treatments are offered by Dr Hanegbi, so that each patient can undergo the therapy which best suits their individual requirements. A comprehensive range … Read more

Professor Mark Frydenberg AM, Urologist based in Melbourne

MBBS, FRACS, FUSANZ, FAICD Professor Mark Frydenberg graduated from the University of Melbourne, School of Medicine in 1982 and was awarded his Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in Urology in 1990. He then went to do subspecialty training in urological cancer surgery as the Urological Oncology Fellow at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, … Read more

Urologist Dr Ross Snow, based in Melbourne

MBBS FRACS FACS Dr Ross Snow has been a consultant urologist in Melbourne for more than 20 years. After qualifying, he spent two years in North America, pursuing interests in urologic oncology and reconstructive surgery. On returning to Melbourne, he was appointed a consultant urologic surgeon at The Alfred and was Head of the Urology … Read more